The transaction receipt allows the user to view all the information associated with the transaction.

Information and actions available

By selecting a transaction from the history list the user accesses the following:

  • The date and time of the transaction;
  • The status of the transaction;
  • The recipient;
  • The payment method that was used and debited;
  • The souvenir photo;
  • Photo of the receipt;
  • Get the full details of a transaction by clicking on "Details" ;
  • Obtain a receipt in PDF format for any payment ;
  • Ask for a wire proof for any bank transfer made from Lydia app.

From this section, and depending on the type of transaction, the user can also:

  • Modify the name of the transaction;
  • Add a souvenir picture;
  • Add a photo of the receipt;
  • Change the payment source;
  • Get more information about the payment by clicking on "Information";
  • Make a Lydia to the issuer of the transaction;
  • Say thank you to the Lydia issuer;
  • Spread a payment over several monthly installments;
  • Transfer the money to another account;
  • Share the bill;
  • Create a recurring transaction;
  • Refund the transaction;
  • Request a refund of the transaction;
  • Request help from customer service.
Navigation between transactions: From the details of a transaction, the user can move to the next or previous transaction by scrolling right or left.

How to customize a transaction

Lydia+, Lydia Green+ and Lydia Black+ subscriptions allow you to personalize not only your accounts but also each of your transactions to make them a memory.

Adding a souvenir picture
  • Click on a transaction from the "Payment" tab;
  • Click on the camera icon next to the transaction title ;
  • Choose a photo from your library or take a new one ;

Once the photo is uploaded, it will be visible at the top of the transaction details and as a thumbnail in the history.

Edit the souvenir picture

If the transaction already has a souvenir photo, it is possible to modify or delete it. To do so, you must:

  • Open the transaction in question;
  • Click on the souvenir photo;
  • The user can then choose a new photo from his library or take a new photo;
  • The user can also delete the photo.
If the account is shared between several members, all members will see the souvenir photos added to the transactions.
Edit transaction label

In addition to adding a souvenir photo, the user can also change the label of a transaction to make it more explicit in his history.

The user can revert to the original label at any time by deleting the label customization. The initial label will then be displayed.

In the case of a shared account, the user has the option to choose to change the label for everyone or just for him.
Add a picture of the bill or proof of payment

It is now possible to add a copy of the receipt of a payment. As with the souvenir picture, simply select the receipt picture from the library or take a photo of the receipt directly.

A click on the photo of the receipt allows you to modify or delete it.

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