Transfers from Lydia to a bank account depend on the processing time of the banking system. A payment takes 2 to 3 business days to arrive on an account (excluding weekends and bank holidays).

If you are having issues to make a transfer to a phone number or an email address, check out this post.

Did you check if the transfer was sent? 🧐

Most of the time the bank transfer hasn’t arrived because:

  • You had insufficient funds on your Lydia account
  • You selected the wrong bank account
  • You didn’t provide the IBAN of your recipient’s Lydia account.

For more information read the article "Why can’t I transfer money to a bank account?"

Did you check if the bank account is still active? 📥

Depending on which type of account you have, you may be entitled to a limited number of transfers.

For more information read "Transfer to a closed bank account"

Did you check your Lydia account transfer limits? 💁‍♀️

Bank transfers from and to Lydia accounts are now unlimited.

For more information read "Limits on transfers to a bank account"

How do I make a transfer on Lydia? 👍

We walk you through the whole process of making a transfer with Lydia in this article.

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