Since January 3, 2024, wire transfers or direct debits made to your former IBAN (starting with FR76 1679 and whose BIC was TRZOFR21XXX) is declined and sent back to the sender.
To receive bank transfers on your Lydia account or pay subscriptions, you can simply use your new IBAN, available in the "Account" tab of the application.
  • Instant wire transfers is declined and sent back to the issuing bank in the following seconds.
  • Classic wire transfers is declined and sent back to the issuing bank within 5 to 10 working days.

If customers encounter one of these situations, they should reach out to the issuing bank.

  • As for direct debits, they are declined.

If customers encounter this situation, they should reach out to the creditor.

Customers whose former IBAN is still being used should make the necessary changes to avoid encountering these situations.

Fees applied by creditors or issuing banks cannot be incurred by Lydia.

To receive bank transfers, the new IBAN must be used

The customer must communicate his or her new Lydia account IBAN(s) to persons and institutions likely to send him or her transfers.

For example:

  • An employer
  • Health insurance
  • Friends and family
  • Public institutions, such as: 
    • La CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales)
    • Pôle Emploi
    • URSSAF
    • DGFIP (Direction Générale des Finances Publiques)
    • CPAM (Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie).

To debit a Lydia account, the new IBAN must be used

Customers who make recurring payments by direct debit (SEPA mandate) must also update the IBAN entered as the means of payment with each "supplier". This is a prerequisite if direct debits are to continue to be made from the Lydia account(s).

These suppliers could be:

  • Water, electricity, and gas suppliers; broadband or mobile phone carriers
  • Car, health, or home insurance
  • Credit provider (payment in several instalments by direct debit mandate)
  • Public institutions such as the DGFIP (Direction Générale des Finances Publiques), etc.
Tutorials for updating the IBAN of certain service providers

Below are step-by-step tutorials for updating an IBAN with :

  1. EDF
  2. Orange
  3. Free
  4. SFR
  5. Bouygues Telecom
  6. Engie
  7. Direction générale des finances publiques
  8. CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales)
  9. Canal +
  10. Paypal

Consult the new IBAN in the application

To view the new IBAN(s), the customer must go to the "Account" tab in the application and click on "IBAN", or click here from a smartphone.

For security reasons, new IBANs can only be consulted in the customer's Lydia application.

Differentiating the new IBAN from the old one

Customers will be able to differentiate the new IBAN from the old one by looking at the first 8 characters: the new IBAN starts with "FR76 1759", while the old one started with "FR76 1679".

In addition, the BIC associated with the new IBAN begins with "LYDI", while the old one began with "TRZO".

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