You can order a Lydia card at any time from the app. The card is free of charge as long as you use it in a reasonable fashion (i.e. without spending too much).

Check out this article to find out what we mean by “reasonable use”.

Same price for everyone, everywhere

We want to provide everyone with a payment card that is not attached to a bank and that you can manage entirely on your smartphone. We have developed a Reasonable Use Policy to make the Lydia card available to the largest number of people at a fair price.

What is the Reasonable Use Policy?

Our Reasonable Use Policy is designed to give you access to a wide range of features in France and abroad while minimising the cost of the card order.

To make sure that the Lydia card users take full advantage of their subscription, we have set limits on payments and withdrawals.

What happens beyond a reasonable use?

If you go over the limits defined by our Reasonable Use Policy, we will charge additional fees.

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